Project Outline

Stardust: Space Magazine

The goal of this project was to create eye-catching imagery for a science magazine. I’ve grown up always having an interest in outer space and the sci-fi genre and wanted to dedicate a project to that interest ever since I was little.


The contents of the magazine contain real-world news and events in the realm of science. The covers of the magazine are exaggerated illustrations of their respective headlines to get viewers’ attention and to showcase unique and intriguing artwork.


Cover Design


Logo Design / Branding



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The logotype for the title was used with the typeface “Dealer Strikes” but slightly altered to bring the kerning of the type closer together and to adjust the sizing of the letters.


I based it on retro science fiction comic book covers with strong decorative text that popped out at the viewer. My take on the magazine title was used to create a sci-fi aesthetic that went along thematically and compositionally well with the illustrative covers for this project.

Set #1 (2020)

Issue #1

Human Robot?

An Advancement in AI Technology

Issue #2

Life On Other Planets?

Scientists announced the Kelper-186F is in its star’s habitable zone, where liquid water and possibly, life, could exist.

Issue #3

Has Technology Gone Too Far?

The world is changing and technology is advancing so fast but it is harming the environment of the planet.

Issue #4

A Journey of Light From the Stars to Your Eyes

There’s been speculation that there are similarities between galaxies and the human eye and brain

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